APA Reference Generator
If you arrived on this page looking for the APA 6th Reference Generator, you are at the right place! We have developed plenty of Reference Generators including Oscola Reference, Vancouver Reference Generator and many more.
Not only generators, but you can find guides here made by the team at The Dissertation Help so that you can learn how to reference manually, and find out general information of the referencing style as well.
Why Learn Citing the APA Style?
Citation and Referencing is extremely necessary to indicate that you have not plagiarised someone’s work. All the information you use while writing your academic papers has to be cited, to credit the actual author (s).
Students studying Social Sciences and Behavioural Sciences (which also includes Management subjects) have to make use of the APA Referencing Style while writing their academic papers.
APA is the abbreviated form of American Psychological Association, and the style was developed in 1929 by the Association to help in comprehending the texts. The style is used for medical and public health journals widely. The latest edition is the 6th edition, which came out in 2009. As a result, many students now look for an APA 6 Reference Generator to cite according to the latest edition.
Let’s Learn Citing and Referencing APA Style!
APA Referencing is done in the Text, as well as in the References Section. We will guide you on how to use the APA Referencing Style both in your Text as well as in your References section.
Referencing In-Text
Referencing in the text is also done in two ways.
- As a direct quote: Quote is written along with the author name, date and then page number.
- As a paraphrase of the actual quote: Author name and date are written.
Direct Quote
Watson (2014, p.99) states that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity.
ParentheticalPutting too much workload on the workers without allowing them periods of relaxation can actually cause them to burnout and hence perform lower than usual. (Watson, 2014)
Referencing In-Text with Two Authors:
FORMAT | Watson & Harrison (2014, p.99) state… |
EXAMPLE | Watson & Harrison (2014, p.99) states that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity. |
Referencing In-Text with Three, Four or Five Authors:
FORMAT | Watson, Beatrice & Harrison (2014, p.99) state… |
EXAMPLE | Watson, Beatrice & Harrison (2014, p.99) state that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity. |
Referencing In-Text with Six or More Authors:
FORMAT | Watson et al. (2014, p.99) state… |
EXAMPLE | Watson et al. (2014, p.99) state that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity. |
Referencing In-Text with No Author:
Book, Brochure or Report | Title is written in Italic form followed by year. | Severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity. (Occupational Stress & Burnout in Employees, 2014) |
Chapter, Article or Webpage | Title is written in Inverted Commas “” followed by the year. | Severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity. (Occupational Stress & Burnout in Employees, 2014) |
Referencing In-Text for a Group or Organisation:
FORMAT | (Association for Employee Rights 2014) state… |
EXAMPLE | (Association for Employee Rights 2014) state that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity. |
Referencing APA Style in the References Section
The References page is the last section of the academic paper. Referencing according to the APA style in the References section is different from the in-text citation, and also varies according to the source of information.
You might not get to know the differences when you use an APA referencing generator, which is why we have differentiated between referencing according to the source of information.
Citing for a Book:
Format | Author surname, Initial (s). (Year). Title (ed.). Publisher location: Publisher |
Example | Lockridge, K. A. (2011). Fish stress and health in aquaculture (Vol. 62). Cambridge University Press. |
Citing for an edited Book:
Format | Author surname, Initial (s). (Ed)(s).). (Year). Title (ed.). Publisher location: Publisher |
Example | Lockridge, K. A. (Ed.). (2011). Fish stress and health in aquaculture (Vol. 62). Cambridge University Press. |
Citing a Chapter in an Edited Book:
Format | Last name of the chapter author, Initial (s). (Year). Chapter title. In editor initial (s), surname (Ed.). Title (ed., pp. chapter page range). Location: Publisher |
Example | Torres, C.H. (2014). Stress & Burnout in Employees. In W.T, Johnson (Ed.). Employee Performance and Appraisal (3rd ed., pp. 43-55). Cambridge, EL: Penguin Publishers. |
Citing a Journal Article (both print and online)
Format | Author surname, initial (s). (Year). Article title. Journal Title, Volume Number issue or part number, optional), page numbers. DOI or Retrieved from URL |
Example | Michaels, C.H. (2016). Stress & Burnout in Employees. Employee Performance and Appraisal (68 (3), 43-55). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.3102/00346543068001061 |
Citing a Website:
Format | Author surname, initial (s). (Year, month day). Title. Retrieved from URL |
Example | Robertson, B.S. (2013, May 12). Stress & Burnout in Employees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_burnout |
Still Need Help from A Reference Generator APA?
Well students, we have pretty much given you the tips through our APA Referencing Guide. We are very much sure that you will not face much trouble afterwards.
However, if this guide does not work out for you, you are free to use our APA Citation Generator. Other than that, our writers and editors are here to help you out with all kinds of citations helping you out with Oscola quick reference if you require.
We have the generators, guides and the people available to help you out!