Best Cryptocurrency Research Topics and Ideas for UK Students 2023-2024
If you think cryptocurrency research topics has become an old, you are wrong. It is still the newest talk in the town. It has left behind every bound and wormed its way into every aspect even real estate. People are now buying and selling their houses via crypto wallet. Moreover, Apple is launching cryptocurrency payment portals.
So you don’t have to worry that is everybody still thinking and talking about it? Because many people are investing in cryptocurrency daily as it yields a huge amount of benefits. This must be the reason why you have selected cryptocurrency as your dissertation subject for your Ph.D. program.
Deciding how to narrow down your subject and shape it into a perfect cryptocurrency research topic is a challenge all students have to endure. There are certain pointers you have to go through such as narrowing down the thought processes, research, and then finally verbalizing the idea. The intensity of all the tasks is enough to make any student sweat. But The Dissertation Help can help you achieve all this with no trouble at all!
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What Are The Top 3 Cryptocurrencies??
How would you decide which cryptocurrency will make a great dissertation topic? The best way is to review which ones are rising at lightning speed. Let’s check out which cryptocurrencies are reaching the skies.
Bitcoin: the most famous and widely used digital currency. First came out in 2009 and currently going on the value of 19,061.36 USD (Dated: 18 Jun 2022).
Ethereum: after Bitcoin, is the second most famous cryptocurrency used all over the world. It was introduced in 2013 from Russia and now going strong with the value of 993.06 USD (Dated: 18 Jun 2022).
Tether: completing the list of top cryptocurrencies at the 3rd number. Launched in 2014 with the name of ‘Realcoin’ but later morphed into Ethereum is now going high with the price value of 0.998 USD (Dated: 18 Jun 2022).
Which Cryptocurrency Will Explode In 2023-24?
As the forever-burning hot Bitcoin cooled down a bit in April, every mind started questioning, will this year be the downfall of Bitcoin? Is it about to be dethroned from its high and mighty perch? Will it become the next cryptocurrency to explode into nothingness?
But the cryptocurrency that is about to explode and fall off the charts is not Bitcoin. Dogecoin is about to face the poor fate of digital death but it might survive after all as the famous Tesla owner Elon Musk tweeted about it, which resulted in an instant rise in the price of Dogecoin.
The next cryptocurrency facing an imminent risk of downfall is Ripple. It is another one of the digital currencies that is about to succumb to the high pressure. Now the only thing people are waiting over is to see how quickly it will fall.
A cryptocurrency is referred to as digital currency that is mainly used to buy goods and services but makes use of an online ledger that has strong cryptography for securing online transactions. Many of the times awareness in these unregulated currencies is to trade for profit. Cryptocurrency is not a physical coin or bill that is used in services that permits an individual to cash in cryptocurrency for a physical token. However, currently Bitcoin is positioned as the largest cryptocurrency in the crypto market whose market capitalisation is around $1 trillion. It has been recognised that in 2024, crypto will break by $300,000 which will continue to rise by $500,000 in 2025. Making investments in currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum is considered as high-risk investment. The cryptocurrency prices are usually volatile which can go wrong but on the other hand it increases value that can produce a great return on investment.
Latest Cryptocurrency Research Topics 2022-2023
Topic 1: How has the adoption of Bitcoin as an alternative form of payment for goods and services affected the economy?
Understanding the advantages and drawbacks to an economy associated with the adoption of Bitcoin as an alternative form of payment for goods and services.Objectives
To review the advantages and disadvantages associated with the adoption of Bitcoin as an alternative form of payment.
To discuss the economic impact of the adoption of Bitcoin.
To discuss current trends in the adoption of Bitcoin
Topic 2: Analysing the current state of Cryptocurrency regulation in different regions and their influence on its adoption
Understanding the reason for the need to regulate cryptocurrencies, the benefits and drawbacks associated with the regulation of cryptocurrencies and how it affects its adoption.Objectives
To discuss the benefits associated with the regulation of cryptocurrencies.
To identify the drawbacks associated with the regulation of cryptocurrencies.
To identify how legal frameworks influence the adoption of Cryptocurrency in different nations
Topic 3: Exploring the factors that influence the volatility of cryptocurrencies.
Discussing the main drivers behind Cryptocurrency volatility and assess the spillover effectsObjectives
To identify and explore factors that affect the fluctuation of Cryptocurrency values.
To assess the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrencies against their high volatility
To recommend policy implications to regulate the high volatility.
Topic 4: Investigating the ethical and social implications of cryptocurrencies: An analysis of their capacity to promote economic empowerment, social justice and financial inclusion.
Understanding the ethical polarities of Cryptocurrency and how it proves itself to be a useful asset in relation to the promotion of economic empowerment, social justice and financial inclusion.Objectives
To assess the morality of Cryptocurrency.
To assess whether Cryptocurrency is an honest truthful asset.
To identify the reason why Cryptocurrency is becoming an increasingly popular tool for organised crime groups to conduct illicit activities.
Topic 5: Investigating the reasons for difficulty in integrating Cryptocurrency in traditional financial markets.
Investigation on the factors that hinder the integration of cryptocurrencies in traditional financial markets and recommend ways these factors can be addressed.Objectives
To assess the factors responsible for the difficulty in the integration of Cryptocurrency in the traditional financial market.
To identify the impact of cryptocurrencies on traditional financial markets.
To recommend ways these barriers can be addressed by leaders and developers
Topic 6: How does cybercrime affect the value and stability of Cryptocurrency?
Understanding how cryptocurrencies are used in cybercrime and how it affects their return value and stability in the financial market.Objectives
To identify the different types of Cryptocurrency cybercrimes.
To analyse the impact of cybercrime on crypto returns in the context of different cryptocurrencies.
To identify the methods for prevention from crypto-cybercrime
Topic 7: An explorative study on how the evolution of cryptocurrencies brings changes in the use and consumer demand for digital transactions.
Analyse how in a matter of few years, cryptocurrencies have transformed from digital novelties to trillion-dollar technologies and brought changes in the use and consumer demand for digital transactions.Objectives
To analyses the long-term value proposition offered by cryptocurrencies.
To assess how the use and consumer demand for digital transactions have changed with the evolution of Cryptocurrency.
To identify the future of digital transactions via Cryptocurrency.
Topic 8: Assessing the influence of technological, economic and social factors on cryptocurrencies and their future implications.
The Understanding the different social, technological and economic factors affect the price and adoption of Cryptocurrency in different nations.Objectives
To assess and analyse the social determinants of fluctuation in Cryptocurrency price and its adoption
To assess and analyse the economic determinants of fluctuation in Cryptocurrency price and its adoption.
To identify how these factors can be mediated to strengthen the reasons for the adoption of Cryptocurrency and stabilising its price and return value.
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Topic 9: Analysing the Investment of Cryptocurrency on Economic Condition of UK.
Aims and Objectives
The primary aim of the research is to investigate regarding the investment of cryptocurrency on the economic condition of the country. However, there are certain objectives that are designed based on the aims of the research. These objectives are illustrated as follows;
To understand cryptocurrency and its significance.
To identify the role of cryptocurrency investment on the economic state of UK.
To analyse the impact of cryptocurrency investment.
To examine the factors affecting the investment of cryptocurrency on UK’s economic condition.
To provide effective and relevant recommendations for improving the economic condition of UK.
Topic 10: To Examine the Future Value and Trends of Cryptocurrency.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the research is to analyse the future value and trends of cryptocurrency. There are certain objectives that are designed based on the aim of the study. Thus, the objectives of the research are as follows;
To examine the future cryptocurrency value.
To investigate the trends of cryptocurrency.
To identify the effective use of cryptocurrency.
To determine the factors affecting the trends of cryptocurrency.
To provide relevant and appropriate recommendation for increasing the value and use of cryptocurrency in future.
Topic 12: To Assess the Significance of Cryptocurrency and its Scam that influences on businesses.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the research is to explore the significance of cryptocurrency along with identifying the scams that influences on businesses. The objective of the research are as follows;
To understand the significance of cryptocurrency.
To identify the scams that occurs due to cryptocurrency.
To assess the effect of scams on businesses.
To identify ways that led the cryptocurrency to have a significant influence on businesses.
To provide recommendations that can help protect businesses from the scams of cryptocurrency.
Topic 13: To examine the impact of cryptocurrency on trading.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the research is to examine the impact of cryptocurrency on trading. However, the objectives of the research in this regard is developed through the aims of the research. Though, the objectives of the research are crafted as follows;
To comprehend cryptocurrency on trading.
To determine the impact of cryptocurrency on trading.
To identify the factors affecting cryptocurrency on trading.
To examine reliable and feasible techniques for the use of cryptocurrency on trading.
To provide effective and relevant recommendations that can help support the effect of cryptocurrency on trading.
Topic 14: Understanding the Reasons for Choosing Cryptocurrency: Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction and Perception of Cryptocurrency
Aims and Objectives of the study
The aim of the research is to understand the reasons for choosing cryptocurrency in online transactions. To achieve the aim of the research there are some objectives which needs to be discussed and are as follows:
To understand the concept of cryptocurrency.
To assess the role of cryptocurrency on customer satisfaction and perception.
To determine the reasons of selecting cryptocurrency.
To identify the factors which are affecting on the customer satisfaction and perception of cryptocurrency.
To recommend some strategies to improve the customer satisfaction and perception of cryptocurrency.
Topic 15: Identifying Cryptocurrency’s Challenges and Legal Regulation of Cryptocurrency Transactions
Aims and Objectives of Study
The aim of the study is to identify the challenges of cryptocurrency. Therefore, it is important for the researcher to target some objectives which needs to be considered in order to achieve the aim of the research and discussed below:
To determine the challenges of legal regulations of cryptocurrency transactions.
To analyse the impact of the challenges of legal regulations of cryptocurrency transactions’ on the businesses.
To identify the factors which are affecting the legal regulations of cryptocurrency transactions.
To recommend some strategies to the businesses and legal framework to resolve the challenges in cryptocurrency and also in legal regulations of cryptocurrency transactions.
Topic 16: An Assessment of the issues and consequences of Anonymity in Cybercrime and Cryptocurrency
Aims and Objectives of Study
The aim of the study is to assess the issues and consequences of anonymity in cybercrime and cryptocurrency. To achieve the aim of the research there are some objectives which needs to be taken into account and are as follows:
To understand the concept of anonymity in cybercrime and cryptocurrency.
To analyse the impacts of the issues of anonymity on cybercrime.
To investigate the factors which are affecting in the issues and consequences of anonymity in cybercrime and cryptocurrency.
To provide effective recommendations that would help to resolve the issues and consequences of anonymity in cybercrime and cryptocurrency.
Topic 17: Preventive Measures for Consumers against Fraud: Mitigation of Risk Posed by Cryptocurrency Scams
Aims and Objectives of Study
The aim of the research is to determine the preventive measures for consumers against fraud. There are some objectives which needs to be considered and are as follows:
To evaluate the preventive measures for consumers against fraud.
To identify the risks which is posed by cryptocurrency scams.
To determine the factors which are becoming the reason of fraud and cryptocurrency scams.
To provide recommendations for the preventive measures for consumers against fraud and also proposed some strategies to mitigate the risks which is posed due to the cryptocurrency scams.
Topic 18: Impact of Social, Economic, and Technological Factors on Cryptocurrency and Future Implications
Aims and Objectives of Study
The aim of the research is to analyse the impact of social, economic and technology factors on cryptocurrency and future implications. To achieve the aim of the research there are some objectives which needs to be considered and are as follows
To understand the dimensions of social, economic and technological factors in accordance to cryptocurrency.
To investigate the importance of social, economic and technological factors on cryptocurrency.
To evaluate the future implications for its impact on the social, economic and technological factors on cryptocurrency.
To recommend some strategies for future implications in order to improve the social, economic and technological factors on cryptocurrency.
Topic 19: The Role of Government Regulations in Cryptocurrency Adoption in Global Markets
Aims and Objectives of Study
The aim of the study is to investigate the role of government regulation in cryptocurrency adoption in global markets. There are some objectives which needs to be considered in order to achieve the aim of the research and are as follows:
To understand the concept of role of government regulations in cryptocurrency.
To determine the advantages of adopting cryptocurrency in global markets.
To identify the factors which are affecting the role of government regulations for adopting cryptocurrency in global markets.
To provide relevant and effective strategies to promote the role of government regulation in the adoption of cryptocurrency in global markets.
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Did you go through the above-mentioned list of the best cryptocurrency research topics? Got excited, didn’t you? But we are here to offer you more than that! Our top dissertation writers will create a complete list of the best research topics for cryptocurrency for you. And you wouldn’t have to worry about getting a boring list as it will be specially customized for you alone without any cost.
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Thinking getting a list of the best cryptocurrency dissertation topics can’t be that easy? Then let us enlighten you that yes, it is! All you have to do is order your topic then sit back and relax with a cup of coffee because we will be making the list of the latest research topics on cryptocurrency for you. Get ready for the first-class treatment because TheDissertationHelp is here is to spoil you for good.
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The dissertation help is known as the ultimate best friend of so many students. We promise to deliver quality with the help of expert writers. One of our writers for digital currencies is Nathan Stevens, and he has a qualified degree in Applied Finance. He has been working in a company as a financial advisor for more than five years. His services here are not limited to helping students in writing a dissertation. He provides complete guidance to students by helping them at every stage. He used his knowledge and expertise in digital currencies and drafted the following most trending topic for your dissertation.