Journalism Dissertation Topics and Ideas

The influence of Social media platform on modern journalism in the UK:


The aim is to identify the impacts of digital era on the practices of journalism in the UK.


  • To examine how social media platform has transformed the news dissemination.
  • To analyse the role of national journalism in the digital era.
  • To evaluate the ethical challenges increasing from the integration of social media into journalism.
  • To investigate the strategies to mitigate the challenges affecting the journalism.

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    Ethical Consideration and Challenges in Sports Journalism:


    the aim is to identify the ethical consideration and challenges in sports journalism, as well as coverage of social justice issues and athletes’ personal lives in sports.


    • To examine the balance between athletes’ right to privacy and public interest.
    • To assess the ethical implication of covering social justice problems in sports.
    • To identify the impact of sport journalism on athlete’s lives and public perception.

    The Development of Investigative Journalism in the Digital Age:


    The aim is to trace the changes of investigative journalism in the digital era, emphasising challenges, digital tools and strategies to overcome issues.


    • To examine the practices of data analysis and digital tools in investigative reporting.
    • To emphasis on the influence of online forums on whistle blower anonymity.
    • Investigate the use of digital tools and data analysis in investigative reporting.
    • To evaluate the opportunities and challenges for investigative journalism in the digital time.

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    Misinformation and Fake News: the Battle for Truth of Journalism:


    The aim is to identify the role of journalism in combating misinformation and fake news in the digital age.


    • To examine the impact and spread of fake news in the digital era.
    • To analyse the verification practices and fact-checking in modern journalism.
    • To evaluate the duty of media corporation in countering misinformation.

    Critical Analysis on the media representation of minorities: Emphasising on Black and African-Caribbean Communities:


    The aim is to critically identify how media represents minority groups based on Black and African-Caribbean Communities.


    • To emphasis on the portrayal of Black and African-Caribbean Communities in mainstream media.
    • To examine the role of media in developing public viewpoint of minority problems.
    • To evaluate the influence of inclusion and diversity in journalism of Black and African-Caribbean Communities.

    Assessing the Ethical Dilemmas Experienced By Embedded Journalists in Conflict Zones:


    The purpose is to assess the ethical dilemmas experienced by embedded journalists in conflict zones, along ethical guidelines and policies.


    • To determine the association between bias in conflict reporting and embedded journalism.
    • To emphasis on the barriers and challenges journalists face while balancing their tasks as participants and observers.
    • To evaluate the ethical practices and guidelines in managing embedded journalism.

    Investigating the Role of Environmental journalism in raising awareness about climate change in the UK:


    The aim is to identify the role of environmental journalism in forming awareness about climate change, focussing on different platforms of media in the UK.


    • To examine the issues associated with climate change in environmental reporting in the UK.
    • To emphasis on the efficiency and effectiveness of different platforms of media in climate change.
    • To evaluate the influence of environmental journalism on public policies and attitudes.

    Emphasising the association between political polarisation and Journalism: A Case Study of Brexit:


    The aim is to identify the relationship between political polarisation and journalism, emphasising on the Brexit case study.


    • To explore how media outlets with various political education cover the similar events.
    • To emphasis on the role of algorithmic bias in making news use habits.
    • To evaluate the implications of political polarisation on media trust and credibility.

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    Evaluating the influence of Media Ownership on News Content:


    The aim is to evaluate the influence of media ownership on news content, and consequences of media in digital era.


    • To examine the concentration of media ownership in the digital era.
    • To emphasis on how ownership affects news agendas and editorial decisions.
    • To evaluate the consequences of media consolidation for media pluralism.

    Evolving role of journalism learning in preparing students for the digital period:


    the aim is to identify the evolving role of journalism learning in preparing students for the digital periods.


    • To examine the incorporation of multimedia and digital skills in journalism curriculam.
    • To emphasis on the role of internships and experiential learning in journalism education.
    • To evaluate the opportunities and challenges in implementing journalism learning to rapidly changing landscape of media.
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