Vancouver Reference Generator
Created in 1978 by editors of Medical Journals, Vancouver Citing and Referencing Style is one of the commonly used styles in Medicine and Science. The formal name of the Vancouver Reference Style is Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.
Before you start referencing, make sure you:
- Check the relevant page numbers and bibliographic details from where you are taking the information
- Understand punctuation and spacing for the References Section as well as the In-text citation
On this page, we have outlined a simplified guide for you so you can learn how to Vancouver Reference your academic work. You can find information on referencing:
- In the Text
- In the References Section
This guide has been made possible thanks to the writers and editors at The Dissertation Help, who have made it their common aim to help out students.
Citing according to Vancouver Style in the Text
- Placement of the citations is done after the ending of the sentence, in the relevant part.
- Arabic numerals are used (1, 2, 3, and 4)
- Square [ ], curved () brackets are used, or Superscripts 1 can also be used.
- Each author has its own reference number.
Citing According to Vancouver Style on the References Page
The last page is called the “References page”. Check out some pointers which briefly explain how you use the Vancouver Style in the References page.
This is how you reference for a Journal Article.
This is how you reference for a Book.
- The references in the References page are single spaced, and there is double line spacing between the references.
- Each reference comes in a numerical order according to the order in which they were cited in the text.
- Only include references that are cited in the text.
- Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) will be used.
- Authors are written in the order they appear in the document with just 2 initials. If the authors are more than 6, then ‘et al’ is used after the 5th author.
- First word of each title will be capitalized and the rest will be in lowercase.
- Publication Information varies according to the source of information.
For Research Papers and Journals:
- Write the journal title in abbreviation.
- Put a period and space.
- Write the date.
- Put a semicolon and volume.
- Put issue number in parentheses.
- Put a colon and enter page range.
- Put a period.
For Books:
Publication Information is placed after the title. Put a period and space and write the city/country.
- Pagination also varies according to the source of information.
- For Research: Papers and Journals: Entire page range of the article is given.
- For Books: No page numbers are given, except for:
- A dictionary entry
- A chapter with its own author
Have you understood the Vancouver style? We sure made the guide quite easy for you. However, if you are still facing issues with doing the citations by yourself, you are free to contact our PhD qualified writers and editors for consultancy.
Or even better, you can use our Vancouver Reference Generator to do the citations without any hassle!
We are here to help you out with understanding any kind of Referencing style you need, whether you need an Oscola referencing guide. So wait no more and contact us right away!